API Documentation



The DruxtBlock component is used to render a Drupal Block by UUID or Drupal's internal ID.

While the DruxtBlock component can't automatically render every Drupal block, it does provide the Block settings to a targetted Druxt wrapper component for manual theming.

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The DruxtBlockRegion component renders visible blocks based on region and theme.

All blocks, including those not visible, are provided as slots for the Druxt Wrapper component.

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The DruxtBreadcrumb component renders a list of breadcrumbs based on the active route.

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Utility component for rendering Druxt modules.

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The DruxtDebug component can be used to render debug information that is visible only when Nuxt is run in development mode.

You can render your debug information through the default slot, or via the json prop to format your data, or a combination of the two.

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The DruxtModule component is used to make a Druxt module, simply import and extend the component to get started.

The component provides access to the Druxt Wrapper theming and fetch system via the druxt settings object.

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Placeholder component for the Druxt Wrapper themeing system.

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The DruxtEntity component renders a Drupal Content Entity by JSON:API resource type, UUID, view mode and schema type.

Fields are rendered as DruxtField components, based on the Drupal display mode configuration.

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The DruxtEntityForm component renders a Drupal Content Entity edit form by JSON:API resource type, UUID, view mode and schema type.

Fields are rendered as DruxtField components, based on the Drupal display mode configuration.

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Used by the DruxtEntityForm component to render Druxt Wrapper themeable buttons.

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Renders a Drupal Field using Drupals by field type and formatter settings.

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The DruxtMenu component renders a Drupal menu using either the default Drupal content menus, or the full menu via the JSON:API Menu Items module.

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Used by the DruxtMenu component to render individual Druxt Wrapper themeable menu items.

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The DruxtRouter component renders a Drupal decoupled route, or path, using the appropriate Druxt component.

For instance, using the path /node/1 would render a DruxtEntity component.

The Vue router path will be used if not path is defined.

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The DruxtSite component renders all available Drupal block regions and content, based on the specified theme.

While Drupal provides placement configuration for blocks, it does not provide any information on where each region should be placed.

All regions are provided as scoped slots for the Druxt Wrapper component.

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The DruxtView component renders Drupal Views using configuration and results provided by the Drupal View and the JSON:API Views module.

The component renders slots for the View's headers, footers, entity results, exposed sorts and filters, and supports contextual filters.

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Used by the DruxtView component to render individual Druxt Wrapper themeable filter components.

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Used by the DruxtView component to render a collection of Druxt Wrapper themeable filters.

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Used by the DruxtView component to render a Druxt Wrapper themeable pager.

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Used by the DruxtView component to render a Druxt Wrapper themeable sort.

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Note: The contents of this file where automatically generated by the Druxt Docgen.